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Writer's pictureSarah Lees

EVERY MOVE ACADEMY | Turf Games Summer Festival

➡️ 12 Every Move Academy members

➡️ 2 teams of 6

➡️ 1 full day competition at Turf Games

We are so proud to say we took 12 clients to London for a functional fitness event at the weekend. For the majority of the member's, this was their first opportunity to enter a competition and take part in a functional fitness event.

This is exactly why we LOVE what we do!

We bring like-minded people together, celebrating them BEING fit.. not just looking fit.

There were 160 teams competing on the day, and our 2 teams finished 53rd and 88th! Not bad for a team of clients who have never trained together as a team. We were so proud of their result.

We care more than just getting our clients ‘before and after’ pictures…

We want our clients to feel fit.. not just look fit.

Positive lifestyle changes and sustainable approaches are the EMA way.

We create opportunity's for our clients to challenge themselves.

To push themselves out of their comfort zone.

and make friends for life!

What's coming next?

EMA take on Tough Mudder!

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